For those who are celebrating Easter...

Happy Easter! And for the most Easter-appropriate song I can think of, I refer you to my earlier post on "Easter Parade" and other related Irving Berlin songs. (Please do click through; the song was already 85 years old when I posted it originally, it surely hasn't aged appreciably in an extra year or two.)

(No, I still cannot write a sonnet. Don't judge me!)

* * * * *

Have you seen the dancing healthcare workers? CHECK THEM OUT! You'll have to click through to the CNN article for the TikTok vids--and you should!--since I am insufficiently hip for that app. However, I know how to embed from Instagram, so...:

View this post on Instagram

Like if you ❤️ healthcare workers! . We are here to help you! Now please help us by staying home and following the CDC/W.H.O guidelines.🙏 My coworkers and I are on the frontlines of this thing. We put our own health, and our families health at risk each day. And we need your help. We all need to do our part and work together.☺️ . On our break from bustin coronavirus we decided to bust a move and it was a much needed outlet to lift our spirits. I’m so grateful to have the best coworkers an work at such a great organization. It’s been incredible to see everyone work together and how quickly responded to and implemented new procedures to handle this public health crisis. Comment if you liked this video and want to see more.

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