With thanks to my brother, who sent these to my mom and me:

Video posted by Shedd Aquarium

Video posted by CBS Chicago

I think the whales enjoyed that more than the penguin, actually!

* * * * *

And since "things that make me happy" is a wee teensy bit unstructured, I shall add happy songs--not necessarily songs that make me happy, just songs (preferably those that meet the overall brief of this blog) ABOUT happy.

Like this one--"Put on a Happy Face" from Bye Bye Birdie:

Video posted by LPL musicals

Hey, I am an adult speaking to you, and when I say "smile" I expect you to SMILE! (Besides, the physical act of smiling can really make you feel cheerier.)


The songs for Bye Bye Birdie were written by Lee Adams and Charles Strouse, and while I have no reason whatsoever to think that Lee Adams has Jewish roots, Charles Strouse is Jewish, and Bye Bye Birdie was his first full-length Broadway musical--for which he won his first Tony Award. That's starting out on the right foot!


  1. Well, if you want something that's both happy and has become appropriate to penguins, there's Yellen and Ager's "Happy Feet." -- both Yellen and Ager were Jewish.

    1. Excellent! I shall make a note immediately. :)


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