Some very different callbacks...

First is something that is making me happy: Patrick Stewart is reading #ASonnetADay:

Shakespeare is a long way back but as he reads them they are as fresh as today. (Thanks for finding this for me goes to my sister, Sarah. Thank you, Sarah!)

* * * * *

Also, today's song calls back to yesterday's song, being that the same people--Milton Ager and Jack Yellen--who wrote this song also wrote "Happy Days Are Here Again." And the title of the song, of course, harks back to Friday's post: "Happy Feet":

Video posted by warholsoup100

(Yes, I know. That song is not in the movie with the dancing penguins. But the title is the same!)

(Okay, yes, I only know because I looked it up. And I'm not perfectly sure that that is a movie with dancing penguins. It looks like it's a movie with dancing penguins, though, and that is good enough for me.)

Thanks to my brother for finding the song for me! This post is unofficially the sibling edition.


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